Go to the left and take the loose rung from the top of the stairs, then go to the right and use it to prize open the door. Go outside and hide behind the door until the guard walks off, then go back inside and down the stairs.

Go through the door on the right. Examine the junk - there's three separate bits. Insert Joey's circuit board in the middle one then stand on the lift to make Hobbins appear. When he comes, quickly duck through the door, open the cupboard and take the spanner from inside. If Hobbins returns before you've got it, he'll stop you. You'll just have to go back out and repeat the process.

Next examine the transporter then keep talking to Hobbins until you find out what's wrong with it. Then ask Joey to fix it. It will go off and come back with a box. When it puts the box on the elevator it will descend, leaving the shaft open. Now's your chance to climb down.

In the furnace room, examine the slot then ask Joey to open it. Reich will walk in and get killed. Examine the body and take his ID card then you can leave the room.

The next place to visit is Lamb's factory. Talk to Anita and then have a word with Lamb. Then go and stick the spanner in the exposed cogs near where Potts is working. Once Potts has examined the damage and gone back to work you can recover the spanner. Go and examine the now idle droid to the left then loosen its shell using the spanner. Talk to Joey and offer him the new shell. Send Joey into the store-room and have him destroy the fuse box allowing you to enter unimpeded. Lift up the gangway and take the putty from the floor. You can ignore the WD40 and key.

Go across to the far left where the old man is sleeping and loosen the buttons on the steam machine using the spanner. When Joey arrives, tell him to press the right button and you press the left one at the same time. The steam machine will blow up and the old man will run off. Now go and flick the switch on the yellow console, remove the light bulb and replace it with the putty. Go back and flick the switch once more to blow the door off then pull the right hand lever to restore the power to the lift.

Go to the lift screen and examine the red cable, then get Joey to work on it. He'll burn through it with his welder and it'll drop to the floor below. Use Reich's card to enter the lift then go down and collect the cable. Find Reich's apartment and enter using his card. Take the magazine from under the pillow then visit the travel agent. Ask for an economy tour and when he refuses you a ticket hand him the mag. Go back to level one and hang around by the lift until Lamb arrives. Talk to him until he tells you he needs a holiday then give him your ticket and in return he'll give you a tour of his factory. Go to the factory, find Lamb and remind him about the tour then go right, past Potts and talk to Anita. Give her the ID card and she'll install the jammer while telling you about the Schreibman Port.

Leave the factory and wait by the terminal until Lamb appears then use Reich's ID card on the terminal to enter the code from the yellow security manual (that's the one which came with the game). Authorise aD-Linc on Lamb and then leave the terminal.

After Lamb finds he's unable to use the lift, talk to him and offer to feed his cat. When you get inside his apartment, get the video cassette from on top of the bookshelf.

Visit Burke's BioSurgery, activate the projector and talk to the hologram. Wait until you've asked her for the Schreibman Port then get Joey to talk to her and go into the surgery. Ask the doctor for a port. First offer him a lung, followed by a kidney, and finally your testicles. Keep talking to him after the port until he tells you about Anchor Insurance. Visit Anchor and ask for a policy, tell them Burke sent you. Willy Anchor will go off to make a phone call. Immediately get Joey to remove the anchor from the statue, then collect it. Combine it with the red cable to make a grappling hook.

Now return to the first screen you appeared on, go up the stairs and through the door. Use the grappling hook on the sign on the building opposite and swing across the gap. Then grab the cable and leave through the door.

Insert Reich's ID in the slot then sit down in the interface and wait until you enter the game. Touch the ball and exit right. Open the bag (via the inventory) to get the magnifying glass (DECRYPT) and the birthday surprise (DECOMPRESS). Next use the decompress option from the menu on the ball to get red and green passwords. Leave right using the red password on the first floor tile. The simply follow the logical route to the exit. Pick up the bust and the book then decrypt the three coded documents. Now disconnect.

Use the Linc terminal to read all the documents and use the Special Operations section temporarily increase your Linc status to unlimited. Put the ID card in the slot and you'll be taken to Sam and Norville's security room. Enter the lift and go down then enter the second lift and go down again. When Joey falls, take his circuit board.

Talk to the fat lady, then go to the night club and have a word with the bouncer. Keep talking until he tells you Mrs Piermont may be able to sponsor you. Go and talk to her again, then, when she returns to her flat, ring the bell. When you get in keep talking to her until she goes to use the phone, then put the video tape in her VCR. When the dog goes to watch it you can grabs his biscuits.

Go to the lift screen and put the biscuits on the plank then leave the screen and wander about a bit before coming back. The dog should be barking at the biscuits. Pull the rope so the dog climbs onto the plank then release it and he'll fall in the pond. When the guard comes to help him you can duck inside the cathedral. Go through the door and open the middle locker.

Go back to where Anita was working and open the middle locker. Take the overalls and put them on then go right. Use the control panel to open the reactor door then go in and get the ID card. Leave, close the door, take off your protective suit and head back to the interface room. Enter the interface using Anita's card.

Get the tuning fork and play her a message. To get the tuning fork, first blind the eye then go through the computer as quickly as you can. Exit the room and blind the second eye, exit centre and centre again. Exit right and select PLAYBACK from the inventory to use on the well. You can then disconnect.

Go to the ground level and talk to the gardener and then the boy who tells you the gardener was lying. Talk to the gardener again then leave by the near side door. Run your ID through the lock. Get the secateurs from on top of the barrel then go back to the nightclub and talk to the bouncer once more.

Go in and turn on the jukebox. Choose any toon then return to Burke's surgery. Give the glass to Burke in exchange for Colston's fingerprints.

Go back to the club and put your hand on the metal plate at the back of the building by the door. Leave via the right hand side of the screen, use the crowbar on the packing case and take the lid. Put it on topof the smaller box and climb on top. Use the bar and then the secateurs on the grill and climb into the resulting passage. Inside, exit to the right and turn through the diverting tunnel and then again to the right until the section with a whole (find it by tracing the cursor with a cable). Exit right, right again and exit at the bottom of the sloping tunnel.

Select the crowbar and use it on the plaster at the back of the room and then on the bricks to force one of them loose then collect it. Stick the metal bar into the swollen vein right of the horizontal beam and smack it one with the brick. Pick up the bar and walk off to the right when the droid shows up.

Look through the grill then leave via the left hand door. Walk down the stairs, go up to the console and use it to lower the temperature then go back up the stairs and pull the metal bar on the grill. Leave the room, leave the corridor by the right and go right again. Put Joey's board in the robot.

Tell Joey to have a look in the tank room then get him to open the tap on the nutrient tank. You can now enter the tank room yourself.

Go to the right through the back of the room and, same again and then through the door. Use Reich's card on the terminal. Press 2 to enter the restricted area. Exit the room and, after the struggle, take Joey's board and check out the body to get a new ID. Use it on the interface.

Blind the eye, enter the crusader's room. Use Divine Wrath on the crusader then disconnect. Re-enter the interface with Anita's card and go back into the crusader's room. Use Oscillator on the crystal and get the Helix then disconnect once more.

Leave the control room and go into the room from which Gallagher came. Insert Anita's card in the console and it'll crash. Get the tongs then leave via the right hand side of the screen. Use the tongs to get the flesh from the aquarium. Put the fish in the other tank then exit right. Open the middle cabinet and insert Joey's board. Download the character data using the console then run the programme and exit right. Tell Joey to put his hand on the sensor. Put your hand on the other sensor at the same time. Laeve and exit right. Use the cable on the pipe support. Climb down and drop the flesh into the orifice. An exit will then appear. Swing across using the cable and, when you get the chance, ask Joey to sit in the chair. Now simply talk to Joey to complete the game.